Exodus (Shemot) Part I - From Slavery to Sinai

Tales of oppression, slavery, bravery — and a dramatic rescue that ends with (spoiler alert) the Egyptians being swallowed by the sea. Over ten sessions, we’ll explore the defining stories of Jewish existence, leadership, and perseverance. Before becoming the greatest leader of the Jewish people, Moses was the adopted son of the pharaoh’s daughter. The story of his unlikely rise to power is filled with twists and turns, miracles and treachery. This course provides context for understanding the ideal Jewish leader, the traditions of our annual seder ritual, the origins of the phrase “Manna from Heaven” and much, much more.

Table of Contents

Lesson 1
- Pharaoh’s Paranoia

Lesson 2 - Moshe's CV

Lesson 3 - The Burning Bush

Lesson 4 - Bridegroom of Blood

Lesson 5 - Off to a Tough Start

Lesson 6 - Hail: Profile of a Plague

Lesson 7 - The First Pesach

Lesson 8 - Into the Sea

Lesson 9 - Manna from Heaven

Lesson 10 - Amalek

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